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Sophie Digard fait le buzz sur internet. Un large choix ici NOUVEAUX ARRIVAGES DE LA COLLECTION SOPHIE DIGARD CREATIONS!!!
On ne compte plus les qualificatifs sur son pouvoir d'attraction:"I just bought one on Saturday at Fortnum and Mason’s. I tried not to but I had to have it"La reine du crochet, la fée du crochet, « crochet fairies », l’impératrice du crochet…
Adoptée au Danemark (nous conseillons en passant ardemment à nos lectrices de voir les deux saisons de "Borgen" une série brillante politico-médiatique réalisée dans ce pays et censée reprendre en septembre sur arte - saison 3, mais on attend toujours) :
Au Japon, aux Etats-Unis, en Scandinavie et en Australie, les fans rivalisent de qualificatifs enthousisates.
Voici quelques citations glanées sur le web, avec lesquelles nous adhérons à 500% :
Celle-ci, par exemple, on l'adore, elle nous vient d'une cliente américaine, Susan : " her color sense and crochet work are simply out of this world"
« ah les écharpes de sophie digard, qu'elles sont belles ! »
« et les écharpes de Sophie Didard un rêve »
« We are entranced by Sophie Digard’s crochet work »
« Sophie Digard's work is amazing - simply stunning in person. »
« Une française qui, depuis qu’elle a vu le travail, ne peut se le retirer de la tête : "ça tourne à l'obsession" ! »
« Son travail est d'une finesse et d'un raffinement incroyables! «
« I just bought one on Saturday at Fortnum and Mason’s. I tried not to but I had to have it. When I tried it on the second day I could feel tears coming to my eyes. It was so beautiful. »
« Outstanding crochet by Sophie Digard »
« One of a huge range of exquisite hand crocheted stoles and scarves in linen and fine wool by Parisian designer Sophie Digard »
« the delicate works of Sophie Digard »
« A tomber aussi de finesse et de beauté !! »
« Sophie Digard, une découverte! »
« Parisian Sophie Digard is renowned for her gorgeous designs and color combinations. This airy new style features crocheted circles knit and laced together for a classic vintage look. »
« WHIMSY ! »
French designer Sophie Digard creates the most exquisite scarves and accessories. Each handcrafted artwork combines a rich colour palette and crocheted designs incorporating tiny ‘fleurs’ and patterns using only the finest of wool and linen. Her whimsical creations are unique treasures unlike no other.
« des écharpes à tomber .... toutes plus belles les unes que les autres
Chaque écharpe ou étole est unique, les couleurs savamment mélangées, d'une minutie à couper le souffle ......... des fleurs aux points insondables
le prix en est élevé malgré tout ........ alors j'y rêve, je les porte en songes ..... »
« et le somptueux caraco confectionné pour l'héroïne de "Bright Star" de Jane CAMPION ...........
Je ne sais pas vous ? Mais moi, je craque .......... je suis sûrement en retard d'un métro ......... mais je ne connaissais pas .... J'ADORE ! »
Ped shoes
We especially love it when Sophie gets playful with mixing textiles and adding dimensional elements! How fantastic is this Biscuit Pop Scarf?
Needleprintblogspot :
I love these millefiori crocheted scarves by Sophie Digard and thought you might be entranced by them also
The scarves are in fine merino wook and linen and seem perfect for every mood and occasion. But can you stop at one!
Oh yes! I love mine very much! :) Wish I had enough money to get another scarf...they are just scrumptious (traduction : succulentes)!
Gorgeous crocheted scarves from French designer Sophie Digard »
produits artisanaux à forte identité visuelle
designed by Sophie Digard of Paris, France, they are meticulously hand crocheted in linen or merino wool.
The colour combinations are magnificent and unique to each scarf;
the designs are kaleidoscopic and intricate requiring hours of hand work
and making them one of a kind works of art.
These are truly heirloom pieces; one of those decisions you never regret;
a piece you can and will wear year round, any occasion and love it forever!
She uses a natural vegetable dyeing process that can take weeks per item.
French designer Sophie Digard creates the most exquisitely detailed, hand-crocheted, heirloom-quality pieces – scarves, necklaces, brooches, bags, baby clothes and blankets – that have long been treasured by clients and collectors around the world. Her work is so very beautiful.
Seriously, she crochets like nobody I’ve ever seen before and uses the most labour-intensive techniques to create her intricate pieces from fine wool, mohair, velvet, and linen.
Emmalamb bologspot :
...i'm sure all of you have already heard of, and seen, Sophie Digard's stunning and inspirational crochet work. I absolutely adore her rich colour palette, which she creates by working with multiple strands of fine yarn to blend her own unique colourways... they have a very timeless quality.
Parisian Sophie Digard is renowned for her gorgeous designs and color combinations. This airy new style features crocheted circles knit and laced together for a classic vintage look. The Crochet Scarf is lighter in weight than others we carry, but the wool is just as soft and cozy. Beautiful whether you wear it long or twined around your neck, this ethereal design is gorgeous all year round.
exquisitely detailed, hand-crocheted, and heirloom-quality work of art that has been created using subtle colours that together create a visually stunning piece.
The French Needle Blog mentions “a bevy of women in Madagascar who crochet like fairies”
Le style et la matière :
Her textiles may seem akin to what your granny made but the fine qualities of her yarns and the delicate color harmonies carry them into the world of luxury
Many of her patterns are patchworks or mosaics of color
DNCinternational :
French designer Sophie Digard creates exquisitly detailed, hand-crocheted, heirloom-quality fashion accessoires that have long been treasured by clients and collectors around the world. Crafted from fine wool, mohair, velvet, and linen for Summer, Sophie Digard pieces can be worn year-round and are destined to become wardrobe favorites and indeed, treasured pieces to be passed from one generation to the next.
“I have always been fascinated by the secret stories within crossed threads. But I am not a product of the world of fashion and I don’t feel compartmentalized,” explains the designer-entrepreneur, who defines herself as “half concrete and half dreamy.” her taste for the more-than-perfect can be seen: “My work is beyond time. It takes from ten days to two months to create a scarf,
This approach helps a thousand artisans in Madagascar live; they work hundreds of stitches in fifty different colors. The quality and design will entice a clientele looking “to be touched by a product that can be kept for a long time, on that has the value of work, as opposed to the current logic of urgency.”
French designer SOPHIE DIGARD creates artworks that beg to be touched - curious geometric and floral shapes each crocheted individually.
Echarpe « cœur »
1)Fine multi-coloured threads of pure wool are crocheted around lavishly rich circles of different coloured velvet to encapsulate them into joined squares to create a scarf of exquisite craftsmanship. In Sage green, lilac, grey and deep blue, Sophie Digard scarves are a real wonder to look at and extremely difficult to get hold of! We are one of the only stockists of Sophie Digard scarves online, so why not treat yourself!
2)Colours of the herb garden, lavender, sage and rosemary. Sophie Digard scarves are a real wonder to look at and extremely difficult to get hold of!
French needle
Eugenie scarf
A gossamer web (=un tissage arachnéen) of linen, indian summer colors with neutral edging. Hand crocheted for Sophie Digard in Madagascar. Amazing !
French needle
No matter how many times I receive orders from Sophie Digard, when a new one arrives my heart beats faster.
And then they arrive… they are so beautiful that tears come to my eyes. I remind myself : they are not all for me…but then I have fun photographing them and now and again adding to my little personal collection!
Anyway, some new ones came today and I hope you have as much fun admiring them as I do!
Sophie DIgard is a parisian knit wear designer, and above all, a colorist.
Fibers made and dyed to her specifications in France are shipped to her workshop in Madagascar where they are hand crocheted, knitted and embroidered into unique works of art.
Sophie uses multiple strands of sewing cotton thickness yarns (up to 60 sometimes) worked together to make stunning muted works of art to wear
Word and tea crochet
Parisian Sophie Digard is renowned for her gorgeous designs and color combinations. She knits and crochets intricate mosaics that are fluid and playful.
The intricate work in this GORGEOUS crocheted linen scarf is mind-blowing. The colors are stellar, too. But, wow, so chic and sophisticated and eye-popping!
Clothogancho canalblog
l'envie folle qui nous saisit, mine de rien, sur le blog collectif des "granny maniaques", de copier (oh ! les vilaines, les petites intrépides gonflées d'outrecuidance) les incroyables créations signées Sophie Digard, celles qui crèvent l'écran de Bright Star.
Outstanding crochet
French designer Sophie Digard creates hand-crocheted fashion accessoires. It's simple, but stunning. I fell in love with these colors.
These stunning pieces are created by French designer, Sophie Digard, and sell for quite high prices - although the work that goes into them, with the yarn being hand dyed and crochet up with an extremely thin ply, you can understand why. I loved them at first sight
Nous : des couleurs le plus souvent assourdies par les mélanges, quelquefois vives mais jamais, oh grand jamais criardes !
« sacred crocheter »
Brenda Parsons Sophie Digard crochet - gorgeous colourwork
Barbara Worn I read that she blends more than 60 colors to get the effect she wants. She is brilliant!
In my dreams, I will own one of these one day! Beautiful!
They all look so beautiful.
What a fabulous collection, I love Sophie's work.
sophie digard... sigh...
Sophie Digard creates curious crocheted flowers with soft buds, each leaf and petal knitted individually. Her roses are beautifully crafted jewellery, scarves in intricately patterned stripes and swirls, reminiscent of a painting by Klimt. Her extensive colour palette - each hue is made up of sixty threads in merino, mohair, and velvet - gives rich, intense individual tones and makes each item unrepeatable.
Sophie Digard bien sûr !
How beautiful is this Sophie Digard scarf!!! And I'm sure, in person, it's more beautiful than the picture because all of Sophie Digard's hand-crocheted things are. Truly works of wearable art! I especially love the small, colorful bobbles.
I am in love with everything Sophie Digard makes. Her crocheting needles are magic! I own a Sophie Digard scarf similar to the sweater pictured above, and people are always stopping me to ask me about it. If you can’t get to Sophie Digard’s shop in Paris, Ped Shoes offers many of her things online. Tres jolie.
her scarves are to be adored. The spring connotations that arise when studying a Sophie Digard scarf are so vivid that only memories of bright summer days enter your thoughts. Most are comprised of tiny 'fleurs' and crochet circles stitched together, creating a classic vintage look as well as an artistic master piece. So detailed, so innovative and yet so at ease, Digard's beauties are faultless. Using fine wool, linen, or a simple sewing thread the Parisian's crocheted idiosyncratic pieces are garments to be treasured for years to come.
I am in love with Sophie Digard designs, and, in fact, I own the very scarf you show but in a different color combination. I ordered it from Ped Shoes and although I had studied the work carefully using the site's "zoom" button, I was gobsmacked by how absolutely exquisite it was in person! I have never worn my Sophie Digard scarf without countless people stopping me to ask about it.
J'ai une admiration infinie pour le travail de Sophie Digard
« sur le gilet porté dans le film « bright star » : je fantasme ce gilet depuis que j'ai vu le film .. enfin quelqu'un qui comprenne, mes copines ne voyait pas du tout de quel gilet je voulais parler ! surtout porter à la fin sur une robe somber genre prune il était splendide ...
Sophie Digard about herself :
« Cet objet est unique. Il est le fruit d’une rencontre : celle de la création intuitive et minutieuse de Sophie Digard et s’un savoir-faire artisanal d’une exceptionnelle précision.
Depuis 1999, Sophie Digard conçoit dans son atelier parisien des modèles d’accessoires de mode et de pièces textiles dont chaque exemplaire est ensuite réalisé entièrement à la main dans des matières naturelles à l’issue d’un long processus de préparation. Le travail sur la couleur est primordial. Inspirée dans sa conception par les variations infinies des éléments de la nature, Sophie Digard propose des créations qui défient les contraintes temporelles.
Nous espérons que cette histoire continuera avec vous.
This objet is unique. It is the fruit of an encunter – Between Sopie Digard’s intuitive and meticulous creative work and artisanal know-how of un common precision.
Since 1999, Sophie Digard has been disigning models for fashion accessories and tetile objects in her Paris workshop.
Every object ist the crafted entirely by hand in natural materials after a long process of preparation.
Work on colo ris of prime importance. Inspired by the infinite variation of natural elements, Sohie digard proposes creations that defy the dictates of time.
We hope that this story will continue with you.
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